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AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition
Industry: Car / Vehicle
Time: 2025/11/20 - 11/22 (Thur To Sat Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Guangdong Guangzhou Poly World Trade Center Expo Center ChinaGuangdong ProvinceGuangzhou CityHaizhu District 1000 Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City
Sponsor:Watson Exhibition Group
Organizer:Guangzhou Jiashi Watson Exhibition Co., Ltd
270Days To Go


AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

With the continuous advancement of technology, the automotive electronics industry is undergoing a profound transformation. The significant feature of this transformation is the gradual transition from traditional mechanical control methods to intelligent and networked management systems. This transformation not only increases the technological complexity of automotive electronic products, but also greatly enriches their innovation and functionality. In this process, the quality and efficiency of product development become particularly crucial, as they directly determine a company's market position and commercial success in a fiercely competitive environment.

AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

Faced with rapidly changing market demands, the automotive electronics industry has encountered various challenges in the product development process. Among them, information silos are a significant issue. Due to the involvement of multiple departments and skills in product development, the flow of information between different teams is often hindered, resulting in resource waste and low efficiency.

AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

In order to adapt to this market trend and inject more momentum into the development of intelligence,The 12th Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition will be held atNovember 20, 2025toOn the 22ndstayGuangzhou PolyWorld Trade Expo CenterGrandly held, this exhibition is about various automotive electronic solutions, gathering such asVarious automotive electronic technologies such as in car systems, electronic components, materials, software, manufacturing equipment, and testing techniquesCan help you quickly expand your business. And it will be presented together with exhibitions such as Automotive Software and Safety Technology Exhibition, New Energy Vehicle Technology Exhibition, Intelligent Cockpit Technology Exhibition, Automotive Interior and Exterior Technology Exhibition, and Automotive Testing Technology Exhibition; At that time, more than 500 leading exhibitors from around the world will be gathered to showcase advanced automotive electronic technology products to automotive engineers; The organizing committee will also hold2025International Forum on Automotive Electronics Technology and Autonomous DrivingThe event focuses on automotive electronics technology, with appropriate brand promotion to ensure that the technology forum introduces the world's most advanced and cutting-edge automotive technology, and presents a "delicious dish" to the vast number of automotive industry professionals.


Various automotive electronic technologies such as in car systems, electronic components, materials, software, manufacturing equipment, and testing techniques

AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

The automotive electronics industry is currently in a stage of rapid development, and the trends towards intelligence and networking have brought it enormous opportunities and challenges. In order to seize these opportunities and address challenges, industry colleagues are welcome to actively sign up for the automotive technology related exhibitions and peak technology forums organized by AUTO TECH South China Exhibition. Automotive electronics companies can more effectively integrate resources, showcase and make the industry aware of related products and technologies, thereby standing out in fierce market competition.

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

AUTO TECH 2025 Guangzhou International Automotive Electronics Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com


  • Company:Guangzhou Jiashi Watson Exhibition Co., Ltd
  • Truename:Manager Huang
  • Mobile:133 3289 9255
  • E-mail:jasonhuang@jswatsonexpo.com
  • Address:1000 Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City


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