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China Jiaxing · Tongxiang Science and Technology Exhibition Center

Address:456 Zhenxing East Road, Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City
Area:36000 M²
Location:China-Zhejiang Province-Jiaxing-Tongxiang
Tel:0573-2098011 / 2098022 / 2098033


Tongxiang Science and Technology Exhibition Center is the main venue built by the municipal government to welcome the 7th Chinese Art Festival. important parts of. The main building is an elliptical flat theater, with glass curtain wall as the facade, and the top surface is a grid metal roof panel. The overall crystal is clear. Its image is inspired by the typical symbol of Liangzhu culture--Jade. Connotation of ancient local culture downstream.

        The auditorium of the Grand Theater has 1200 soft seats. The building has good acoustic conditions. The shape of the stage area is 1470 square meters. It is the standard of a first-class theater. It is equipped with a sound mechanical system, including 64 booms, double-deck lifts, and translation cars. Table and sound reflection cover. Equipped with two layers of surface light and four layers of slap, with DMX / 512 control system, good effect and beautiful sound quality. Technical rooms such as dressing rooms, rehearsal halls, and piano rooms are spacious.

        The exhibition center is divided into three floors of exhibition halls, equipped with two escalators, two passenger elevators, and a freight elevator; the exhibition halls have good lighting, each floor is equipped with central air conditioning, and the second floor hall is equipped with multi-function halls, which can provide press releases, Small conferences, signings, etc., with simultaneous interpretation.

        There are four exquisite small halls in the film world, which can show digital movies at the same time.




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