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The 15th Zhengzhou international automobile aftermarket Expo and auto supplies fair 2018
Industry: Car / Vehicle
Time: 2018/06/26 - 06/29 (Tues To Fri Total 4 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Zhengzhou · Henan Zhengzhou International Exhibition Center No.1 Central Park, business inner ring road, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou
Sponsor:Henan lizhan Hongda Exhibition Co., Ltd
Organizer:Henan lizhan Hongda Exhibition Co., Ltd
Co-organizer:Automobile suppliers association of all provinces and cities in China


China (Zhengzhou) international automobile aftermarket Expo 2018 (ciaaf) will be held in Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center from June 26 to 29, 2018. As the largest and most influential auto products exhibition in China, the Expo will continue to be committed to building the preferred business platform for China's auto aftermarket, providing excellent opportunities and strong support for the industry development.

After 13 years of accumulation of resources and public praise, China (Zhengzhou) international automobile aftermarket Expo (ciaaf) is a well-known comprehensive annual industry event covering the automotive aftermarket. In June every year, more than 3000 automobile aftermarket products and service providers from home and abroad gather in Zhengzhou to display new products and technologies to more than 100000 professional buyers such as dealers and terminal service providers at all levels in the country, and communicate with the industry leaders present in depth, closely follow the changes in demand of terminal consumers, and accurately match demand through various channels, so as to expand business and maintain High value business platform for relationship and profitability improvement.

Last review:
"Ciaaf Zhengzhou Exhibition" is a comprehensive annual industry event covering the automotive aftermarket. In 2017, the number of visitors to the exhibition continued to exceed 100000 and more than 2000 exhibitors. More than 90% of the visitors have purchasing decision-making power or clear purchasing tasks to attend the exhibition.

In this exhibition, auto product dealers, wholesalers, 4S stores of auto dealers, auto service chain + terminal stores, and auto maintenance constitute the main body of the exhibition audience. At the same time, as the exhibition continues to include new exhibitors, expand the scope of exhibits, and match the supply and demand, professional visitors in the fields of refitting, automobile maintenance, automobile electronics and other fields grow rapidly.

Professional audience: 104762

Tap invited buyers: 1781


Automobile electronics, beauty care, film, interior decoration, refitting, automobile maintenance, outdoor products, automobile service, etc

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the organizer of the exhibition for implementation before participation.


  • Telephone:0371-55965656
  • Truename:Zhang Xiao Li
  • Fax:0371-55965659
  • E-mail:shelly.zhang@reedhongda.com


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