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2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo
Industry: Car / Vehicle
Time: 2025/06/05 - 06/07 (Thur To Sat Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Pudong New Area · Shanghai Shanghai New International Expo Center ChinaShanghai CityPudong New Area No. 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Sponsor:Shanghai International Trade Promotion Commission
Organizer:Shanghai International Exhibition (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Energy Conservation Association
102Days To Go


2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo - www.globalomp.com

With the continuous acceleration of green development, the development of clean energy and the reduction of carbon emissions have become a universal consensus in the international community. China plays a positive role in developing a responsible major country, demonstrates a positive attitude towards addressing climate change, and comprehensively promotes green and low-carbon energy development.

In order to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality strategic goals, actively promote Shanghai's major strategic layout of responding to international changes, building a new development pattern, and implementing new development concepts, the "2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products, and Achievements Expo" will be held from June 5-7, 2025 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center.

Taking energy transformation, energy conservation and efficiency improvement, circular economy, practical exploration, low-carbon transportation, and low-carbon services as entry points, covering fields such as electricity, transportation, industry, new materials, construction, agriculture, negative carbon emissions, clean energy, low-carbon living, circular economy, carbon market trading, information technology and digitization, integrated solutions, etc., introducing research institutions, financial insurance, talent services, legal consulting and other institutions, paying attention to top-level industry design, exploring low-carbon development technology routes, leading technological innovation and industrial transformation, and analyzing the green trend of future international investment.

The exhibition will be guided by tackling industry pain points and exploring industry prospects, and will invite a wide range of relevant industry enterprises from all over society to participate. Committed to building an exchange platform where China engages in dialogue with the world, businesses engage in dialogue with the government, builds consensus on carbon neutrality internally, and tells the story of China's carbon neutrality to the outside world.


Energy transition
Low carbon efficiency improvement of fossil fuels, transition to clean energy substitution, and construction of new power systems
Energy conservation and efficiency improvement
Energy saving management, process transformation and technological upgrading, green building, digital transformation, green manufacturing, green supply chain
circular economy
Resource recycling, circular transformation, circular agriculture
Practical exploration
Cutting edge technology, carbon sequestration, carbon market, low-carbon practice cases, low-carbon lifestyle
Low carbon transportation
New energy transportation vehicles, low-carbon transportation supporting infrastructure construction, supply chain, low-carbon smart travel modes
Low carbon services
Academic institutions, green finance, testing and certification, industry consulting, legal services, talent services

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo - www.globalomp.com


  • Telephone:021-6279 2828
  • E-mail:cne@siec-ccpit.com
  • Address:8th Floor, Oriental Overseas Building, 841 Yan'an Middle Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai


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