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2024 Chengdu International Smart Transportation and Transportation Engineering Facilities Exhibition
Industry: Industrial / Mechanical / Processing
Time: 2024/04/10 - 04/12 (Wed To Fri Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Sichuan China Western International Expo City ChinaSichuan ProvinceChengdu City No. 88, East Section of Fuzhou Road, Tianfu New District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
Sponsor:Dongshi Exhibition Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Organizer:Dongshi Exhibition Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd


2024成都国际智慧交通及交通工程设施展览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com

2024 Chengdu International Smart Transportation and Transportation Engineering Facilities Exhibition

Time: April 10-12, 2024 Location: Western China (Chengdu) International Expo City

600+leading exhibitors; 35000+professional viewers; 50000 square meters+exhibition area

Organizational structure


Dongshi Exhibition Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Exhibition background

At present, China is improving its level of digitization, networking, and intelligence through new transportation infrastructure, supporting the high-quality development of the transportation industry and the construction of a strong transportation country. The integration of data and reality is becoming an important way for digital transportation construction, strengthening the efficient utilization of energy and the innovative empowerment of data and technology. With the continuous acceleration of green development, developing green transportation, clean energy, and reducing carbon emissions have become a universal consensus in the international community. China will strive to achieve carbon peak before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. This is a major strategic decision made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, outlining the long-term vision of China's low-carbon transformation and development for the next 40 years. It also demonstrates China's responsibility to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Location advantage: Comprehensive transportation hub in the western region - Chengdu

Chengdu is one of the central cities in the western region and a comprehensive transportation hub. Chengdu is located at the midpoint of the Eurasian air route and has a vast market hinterland in the central and western regions of China. It has inherent advantages in building the fourth largest aviation hub in China and a gateway hub for Europe and the Middle East. At present, Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport has opened 84 international (regional) routes, including 40 regular direct international (regional) routes, with passenger and cargo throughput ranking first among cities in central and western China.

Recently, the transportation plan for Chengdu during the 14th Five Year Plan period was released. According to the Plan, it is explicitly proposed to build a low-carbon and environmentally friendly transportation system. Specifically, by 2025, public transportation in the central urban area will account for 60% of motorized travel, rail transit will account for 65% of public transportation, and green travel will account for over 70%, promoting the reduction of the average commuting time in the built-up areas of the central urban area to around 35 minutes.

Exhibition Introduction

2024 Chengdu International Smart Transport and Transportation Engineering Facilities Exhibition is a flagship exhibition in the field of intelligent transport focusing on the release of cutting-edge trends, high-end Products Show, summit forum, academic exchanges, business negotiations, procurement matching, etc. in the western region of China. Since its establishment, we have been committed to showcasing and promoting representative technological innovation products and solutions from upstream and downstream enterprises in the field of smart transportation industry chain. As a leading and important event in the transportation industry in China, the 2024 Chengdu International Smart Transportation and Transportation Engineering Facilities Exhibition has always played an important role in promoting the development of the transportation industry. After years of successful hosting, it has established its position as one of the charming professional exhibitions in the transportation industry in China and even Asia, providing an ideal business platform for industry peers to meet, gather, and interact.

Review of the previous session

The previous exhibition was grandly held from March 24th to 26th, 2023 at the Western China (Chengdu) International Expo City, with a display area of 30000 square meters. The three-day event attracted more than 30000 professional visitors. Previous and previous exhibitions have attracted companies such as Gazprom, Germany's Fokkman, 3M, the Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, the Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, the Beijing Institute of Transportation Development, the Second Research Institute of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, Shenzhen Transportation Center, the Cambrian period of China, the Hong Kong Productivity Promotion Bureau, the Automotive Technology Research and Development Center, China Mobile, China Telecom, China Communications Construction, China Communications Huaan, Intel, and others Huawei, Alibaba Cloud, Inspur, Octopus Technology, Qingdao Hisense, Shangdian Technology, Beijing Yitong, 36th Research Institute, Qianfang Technology, Hikvision, Yihualu, Didi Chuxing, Dizhou New Energy, Shanghai Baokang, Nanjing Leice, Zhejiang Jiuyi, Zhizhichangxing, Xiamen Leitong, Jingzhong Map, Qipu Optoelectronics, Daoming Optics, Aili China, Sichuan Digital Transportation Co., Ltd., Chengdu Shencang, Chengdu Ruibo, Gansu Road and Bridge Group, Optics Valley Excellence More than 300 well-known enterprises, including Yunnan Aerospace and Jikang Instruments, have made appearances, mainly showcasing their advanced technologies, construction achievements, and intelligent equipment in transportation planning and design, digital transportation construction, smart port, aviation, railway, water, air transportation systems, smart transportation, green transportation, vehicle road coordination technology, low-carbon transportation, traffic safety, and emergency rescue equipment industry. The aim is to accelerate the integrated development of the transportation industry and promote the high-quality construction of a transportation power. Over the years, with the careful organization and support of the organizing committee, significant progress has been made through years of accumulation and development. Through professional, market-oriented, internationalized, and branded operations, it has become one of the grand events in China's high standard intelligent transportation industry. It is also an important business activity and a new platform for learning and exchange that industry professionals cannot miss.

Exhibition schedule

Reported exhibition setup: April 8-9, 2024 Opening ceremony: April 10, 2024 09:30

Display transaction: April 10-12, 2024. Dismantling: April 12, 2024 15:00

Reason for Exhibition

Jointly hosted by national authoritative industry associations and professional institutions, committed to creating a well-known transportation industry chain event in Asia;

Gathering of industry experts and well-known brands - comprehensively presenting the digital transportation industry chain, products, and comprehensive services;

▼ Special zones and exhibitions, with vertical subdivision of exhibits, covering the entire transportation infrastructure industry chain;

50000 square meters, 600+exhibitors, and 35000+professional visitors;

High end supporting activities: Simultaneously hold a series of events such as heavyweight summits, project negotiations, exhibition displays, technical seminars, and new product launches;

Same period series activities

2024 Asia Smart City and Internet of Things and Digital Technology Application Expo

2024 China Smart Highway Technology Innovation Conference

2024 Smart Transportation Big Data Intelligent Emergency System Construction and Development Forum

2024 Western China Smart (Digital) Transportation and Low Carbon Travel Development Forum

Exhibition Enterprise New Technology, New Equipment, and New Product Launch Conference

Note: Due to the large number of sessions, the seminar and technical exchange meeting will be held on-site!

█ Specially invited audience and Source

This conference will focus on inviting representatives from relevant functional departments in the western region, national safety production management units, overseas relevant institutions in the western region, and trade institutions; Leaders and experts from relevant national ministries and commissions (National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Science and Technology); Guests from international organizations, overseas government agencies in China, foreign embassies and consulates in China, domestic government agencies, etc; Leaders and representatives of transportation bureaus, industry and information technology bureaus, traffic management bureaus, highway management bureaus, railway bureaus, port bureaus, civil aviation, urban management and other relevant competent units in various provinces and cities across the country, as well as cities/counties/districts in the western region; Representatives from transportation groups, road and bridge, municipal, public transportation, logistics, highways, airports, aviation, ports, ships, energy, electricity, water transportation, railways, subways, and other construction and operation units, parking management, property companies, road construction and maintenance units, municipal management units, operation units, construction units, higher education institutions, equipment providers, technical service providers, and purchasers from various provinces and cities across the country attended the conference for visits and negotiations.

Exhibition Tips

1. Request the exhibition registration form, carefully fill out the "Exhibition Application and Contract" form, stamp it with the official seal, and fax it to the organizing committee.

2. After applying for a booth, exhibitors are requested to wire the booth fee to the designated account of the conference within 3 working days. After the remittance, the remittance receipt should be faxed to the organizing committee for verification; If payment is not made in a timely manner within the specified time, the organizing committee will not retain the original booth.

3. Principle of booth allocation: "Apply first, pay first, and arrange first".

4. In order to ensure the overall image of the conference, the organizing committee reserves the ultimate right to adjust some of the exhibitors' booths.


Parking equipment: intelligent parking equipment, parking fee control system, entrance and exit management and monitoring system, vehicle identification system, automatic fence, parking garage display and guidance system, various indicator lights, etc;

Intelligent transportation: intelligent traffic management systems, intelligent vehicle management systems, vehicle road collaboration, autonomous driving, in vehicle navigation, electronic maps, GPS receiving systems, etc;

Traffic safety facilities: traffic signal lights, traffic signs, signs, poles, line of sight guidance facilities, collision avoidance guidance systems, sound barriers, isolation barriers, and anti throwing nets; Anti glare facilities, anti glare boards, speed bumps, collision pads, traffic cones, traffic safety clothing, guardrails and accessories, lighting facilities, safety barriers, reflective materials, marking materials, road marking machinery, emergency rescue service systems, car anti-theft devices, road marking removal equipment, lifting stakes, parking locks, marking paint additives, marking paint, road reflective glass beads, resin, PE wax, epoxy flooring, construction equipment Traffic signal lights, production and manufacturing equipment, raw materials, new materials; Emergency equipment and other traffic safety products;

Road construction and maintenance: road machinery, asphalt material preparation equipment, compaction machinery, road appearance and maintenance equipment, road inspection equipment, road maintenance machinery, roadbed construction and maintenance equipment, road emergency rescue equipment, road construction and maintenance materials, new construction and maintenance technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, etc. for highways, national and provincial trunk lines, urban roads, etc;

Bridge and Tunnel Engineering: Bridge construction facilities, bridge safety protection equipment, bridge components and ancillary facilities, bridge maintenance, bridge renovation and reinforcement equipment, bridge materials and facilities, bridge seismic buffering devices, tunnel construction machinery and supporting equipment, shield tunneling and supporting equipment, non excavation equipment and supporting equipment, tunnel construction and special materials, lighting and power supply technology and products, ventilation equipment, communication technology and equipment, underground fire protection equipment Smart monitoring systems for bridges and tunnels, etc;

Transportation infrastructure construction: road and bridge, light rail, subway, tunnel construction and maintenance machinery, materials, testing technology and equipment, survey and testing instruments, planning and design support systems, etc;

Smart traffic management: intelligent traffic management system, intelligent vehicle management system, traffic information service system, onboard communication equipment, highway communication, toll collection, monitoring system, alcohol detector, speedometer, alarm system, operation monitoring system, intelligent road production management system, intelligent traffic safety facilities, emergency response system, highway management system, and intelligent decision-making assistance system; Digitalization of highway network, perception equipment, intelligent facilities, operation status monitoring, video monitoring, pavement disease monitoring, meteorological monitoring and early warning, safety control of key operating vehicles, lane level active control, variable sign control, driving safety guidance, over limit vehicle control, traffic administrative law enforcement, intelligent ice and snow removal, emergency command and dispatch, accompanying information services, smart service areas, smart lighting, cloud control centers Vehicle road collaboration, and other technologies and solutions;

Smart Port and Digital Port and Navigation: Intelligent Information Service Management System for Ports and Ports, 5G Technology Application Solutions, Intelligent Equipment and Application Technology for Ports and Shipping, Port Manufacturing and Infrastructure, New Energy Ship Manufacturing, New Energy Batteries, Channel Comprehensive Service Platform, Smart Ship Lock Related Technical Product Equipment, Water Emergency System, etc;

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer for implementation before participating in the exhibition.

2024成都国际智慧交通及交通工程设施展览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com


  • Telephone:136 8165 8788
  • Truename:Liang Jiajin
  • Mobile:136 8165 8788
  • Address:No. 88, East Section of Fuzhou Road, Tianfu New District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province


The information on this site comes from the network and related members, and the website has done its duty to review it. Due to the uncontrollability of the process of organizing the exhibition, some of the exhibition information in the station may change the subject matter, Extending or cancelling the event, please exhibitors and visitors must check with each other again before exhibiting! All the exhibitions in this site are not hosted/co-organized or organized, if there are any disputes during the exhibition, please hold the main responsibility of the exhibition organization! QQ Email: 523138820@qq.com WeChat: 523138820 Mobile: 15313206870


Expo News