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New Perspective, New Opportunity: Innovation Forum on Corn Deep Processing Industry Chain 2025

Publish Time: 2025-02-19   Hits: 466103 Editor: fengzemin
The Corn Industry Association will jointly host the "2025 Corn Deep Processing Industry Chain Innovation and Development Forum and Exhibition" at the Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Ex...


Breakthrough Innovation Boundary: 2025 Corn Deep Processing Industry Chain Development Seminar

Exploring the Future and Leading Innovation

The Innovative Development Path of Corn Deep Processing Industry Chain

With the rapid development of agricultural technology and the increasing diversification of market demand, the corn deep processing industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges for development. In order to further explore the innovative development path of the corn deep processing industry chain, promote close cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry chain, exchange advanced technologies and market trends, we hereby hold the "2025 Corn Deep Processing Industry Chain Innovation Development Forum and Exhibition". The China Biological Fermentation Industry Association and the Heilongjiang Corn Industry Association will jointly host the "2025 Corn Deep Processing Industry Chain Innovation Development Forum and Exhibition" at the Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center on March 3, 2025

Host: China Bio Fermentation Industry Association

Heilongjiang Corn Industry Association

Organizer: Shandong Xinshi Exhibition Service Co., Ltd

Co organizer: Nanjing Baisijie Bioengineering Co., Ltd

Media support: Safe Food News, Food Exhibition Network, Food Partner Network

Time: March 3, 2025 13:30-16:30 Location: Conference Room A, 2nd Floor, Hall N1, Jinan Huanghe International Convention and Exhibition Center

Host: Starch Sugar Branch and Polyol Branch of China Bio Fermentation Industry Association

Deputy Secretary General Wu Dan

Time, report title, presenter

13: From 30-14:00 PM, the enhancement strategy of pullulan polysaccharides under high sugar conditions, Professor Li Piwu from Qilu University of Technology

14: 00-14:30, Baisijie Innovative Biotechnology Promotes Green Development in Corn Deep Processing Industry, Senior Technical Service Manager Wang Chengjun, Nanjing Baisijie Bioengineering Co., Ltd

14: 30-15:00, Corn Dry Separation Sugar Manufacturing Technology Sharing, Tianjushi Dry Sugar Manufacturing Technology Company, Chairman of Helixiong

15: 00-15:30, Industrial Chromatography Technology and Digital Twin, General Manager Yuan Bin, Shanghai Singer Martin Company

15: 30-16:00, Application of Pall Comprehensive Fluid Management Solution in Fermentation Industry, Li Yong Sales Manager Pall (China) Co., Ltd

16: 00-16:30, TBD, TBD

Scope of exhibits

Industry and Food:

1) Industrial products: starch, starch sugar, functional sugar, alcohol, amino acids, biological feed, etc;

2) Feed: feed raw materials, feed additives, etc;

3) Biobased materials: new energy products such as polylactic acid (PLA), fuel ethanol, and polymer materials such as lignin, corn starch tableware and meal boxes, packaging products, etc;

4) Fresh corn;

5) Premium grain and oil.

Technology and Equipment:

1) Facilities and equipment; Processing facilities and equipment for corn, feed, and auxiliary materials, including separators, centrifuges, extraction and concentration equipment, crystallization equipment, drying equipment, membrane separation equipment, quantitative packaging, testing and inspection instruments, resin and auxiliary storage equipment;

2) Packaging equipment and materials: measuring packaging machines, filling machines, blow molding machines, vacuum packaging machines, labeling machines, automation equipment, mass flow meters, electronic scales and coding machines, packaging assembly lines, grain and oil metal packaging materials, plastic packaging materials, etc;

3) Environmental water treatment equipment technology, utilization of waste gas, waste residue and by-products, biogas technology and equipment, etc;

4) Production equipment: deep tillage machine, sowing machine, fertilizing machine, irrigation machine, ear picking machine, thresher, cleaning machine, peeling machine, steaming machine, cooling machine, air drying machine, crushing and screening equipment, high temperature sterilization equipment, straw harvesting and processing equipment, silage feed equipment, etc.

Variety cultivation and planting:

1) Seed industry: variety breeding, breeding;

2) Planting support: pesticides and fertilizers, agricultural machinery, planting cooperatives, etc;

3) Smart Agriculture: Information Agriculture, Precision Agriculture Technology, Testing Instruments, Soilless Cultivation Technology, Agricultural High tech Equipment, Agricultural Information Communication Services, Information Management, Financial Services, Agricultural Internet of Things Intelligent Control Technology, Intelligent Drip Irrigation System Controller, Fully Intelligent Temperature Chamber Controller, Soil Moisture Controller, Special Vegetables, Organic Agriculture and Related Technologies and Equipment, etc.

Warehousing and logistics: loading and unloading, bulk grain transportation equipment and technology, grain drying equipment, warehousing and logistics information management system, etc.

Attendees: representatives of food and beverage, pharmaceutical, starch sugar, amino acids, yeast and derivatives, fermentation functional products, wine, paper, textile, chemical, starch industry related enterprises, investment and financing institutions, scientific research institutions and university experts and scholars, policy makers and regulatory department representatives, etc.

Participation method: This forum is free of charge. Please contact Mr. Xu from the conference organizing committee at 15001972928 to request the registration link. The registration deadline is February 28, 2025. Transportation and accommodation are self managed.

For the convenience of attendees, the organizing committee has set up free shuttle services, with routes including: Yaoqiang Airport, Jinan East Station, Jinan Station, Jinan West Station to Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center, 30 minutes per trip (departing on time), and from the exhibition hall to designated hotels. We provide multiple transportation routes for you to choose from. Intended to provide you with convenient and comfortable transportation services, allowing you to participate in exhibitions more attentively and enjoy a perfect exhibition experience.


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