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Türkiye's household goods industry expects export growth of 15% in 2019

Publish Time: 2024-01-16   Hits: 41931 Editor: fengzemin
In 2018, Türkiye's exports of household and kitchen supplies exceeded 2.5 billion dollars, up 9.8% year on year. And set Latin America, the Far East, and sub Saharan Africa as the target markets for 2...


The President of Türkiye Household Products Association recently said that the goal of Türkiye's household products industry is to increase exports by 15% in 2019.

Burak Onder, head of Türkiye Household and Kitchen Products Manufacturers and Exporters Association, said, "We will focus on market diversification and different marketing methods to achieve the export target of 3 billion dollars."

Onder stressed that in 2018, Türkiye's exports of household and kitchen products exceeded 2.5 billion dollars, up 9.8% year on year. And set Latin America, Far East, and sub Saharan Africa as target markets for 2019.

When talking about Türkiye's market, he said that Türkiye's market size was about US $6 billion, and the industry's surplus was US $2 billion.


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