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2025 Bangkok, Thailand Electronic Components
Industry: Communications / Electronics
Cycle: Once a year
Time: 2025/06/18 - 06/21 (Wed To Sat Total 4 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Bangkok · Thailand Bangkok International Trade&Exhibition Centre ThailandBangkok 88 Bangna-Trad Road (Km.1), Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand
Sponsor:Shanghai Honglei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd
Organizer:Shanghai Honglei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd
Co-organizer:Shanghai Honglei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd
116Days To Go


Exhibition time: June 18-21, 2025

Venue of the exhibition hall: BITECBangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre

Organizational unit: Shanghai Honglei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd

NEPCON Thailand is the largest and most professional electronic components exhibition in the ASEAN region. Hosted by the world-renowned exhibition company Reed Exhibitions, with strong support from relevant units, we strive to develop into the most influential and representative exhibition in the field of electronics in Thailand. Exhibitions are platforms for communication and information within the industry, providing exhibitors with opportunities to showcase to professional audiences.

The manufacturing and supporting industries in ASEAN are developing rapidly, and the demand for precision electronic components is also growing rapidly. The Bangkok International Electronic Production Equipment Exhibition (NEPCON Thailand) will be a destination for tens of thousands of electronics industrialists who will discover the right technology, the right business connections, and the right technology to unleash the productivity and potential of the entire ASEAN.


ØSMT Equipment and TechnologyCleaning/EDS protective products; Distributor; EMS/Contract Manufacturing Services; Factory facilities and equipment; Laser processor; SMT machine; Sealing machine; Soldering machine/material

ØTesting equipment and technologyAnalyze equipment and software; AOI inspection; Machine vision/CCD cameras; Measurement; Non destructive testing; Reliability/evaluation checks; X-ray examination

ØPrinted Circuit BoardAssembled polychlorinated biphenyls; CAD/CAM/CIM; Optical polychlorinated biphenyls; PCB (rigid/flexible/multi-layer); Semiconductor Packaging Printed Circuit Board

ØFine processing technology: Cutting/drilling; Processing of difficult to cut materials; Precision casting; Fine/precise sheet metal processing; Laser processing; Metal forming and electroplating; polish pieces of metal into mirrors

ØElectronic components, materials, designs, and tools: Connectors and cables; Design software; Materials for mounting circuits; Nanotechnology materials; Sensors&Switches; SMD (capacitors/diodes/resistors/transistors/integrated circuits, etc.); Wiring terminal block

ØIntegrated Circuit and Sensor Packaging TechnologyAnalysis/simulation software for integrated circuit packaging; Assembly equipment; Manufacturing equipment for microelectromechanical system components; Packaging materials/components; Electroplating/etching materials and equipment; SATS contract design services; Semiconductor Device Testing and Equipment

ØLED and laser diode technologyLaser diode technology; Manufacturing/testing equipment; Optical components/materials; Optical design software; Power supplier/integrated circuit; Intelligent lighting/LED/organic light-emitting diode; Heat dissipation solution

ØElectronic assembly supporting industryCleanrooms and consumer equipment; Electronic chemical related materials; Plastic packaging for electronic devices; Electronic manufacturing robots; Electronic manufacturing service industry; Electronic precision metal parts; Smart factory/manufacturing process; Intelligent material processing and transportation; Intelligent security system/closed-circuit television/network security

Costs & Precautions

Contact with the organizer for implementation before the exhibition


  • Company:Shanghai Honglei Enterprise Management Co., Ltd
  • Telephone:02169960017
  • Truename:Teacher Wang
  • Mobile:18918005101
  • E-mail:sales03@inmesse.cn
  • Address:12 Hongtai Yuehe Building, No. 3, Lane 1188, Jinchang West Road, Jiading District, Shanghai


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